Welcome to high school, the supposed best years of your high school life.....
Best years my ass!!
My eating disorder started in 7th grade, but started getting much more out of control starting freshman year... Oh freshman year.... What a great way to start...NOT! I started cutting my freshman year of school. All throughout elementary and middle school (as well as high school) I got made fun of. I was considered a cry baby, weak, weird, a loser. When I first started self injury it was scratches with safety pins. I did it in class and I got caught. I was diagnosed with depression in 2003, I was forced to start in an IOP (Intensive Out Pacient) group with other teens who had mental illnesses. I personally liked the group and made a few very good friends out of it. Group met every Tuesday and Thursday for an hour and a half to 2 hours. In there it was like a support group, we talked about what was wrong and sometimes got feed back. In May 2004 I somehow let it slip in group that I was trying to find my parents gun, I was done.
I was placed on a 51/50 that night after being driven to the mental institute. I was on 72 hour suicide watch. I ended up being in the "Nut Hut" (as we called it) for 11 days. My parents came to visit every day and brought my independent study work to me. I never did any of it, I found out that within the last few days of me being in there they had a meeting with my school vice principal and counclors about me. They came to a decision that I would not need to do the independent study work and that my grades I had before I went into the hospital would be my year end grades. I did not have to take the last finals, I would have failed my classes had they not done that.I still had to take 2 classes over again for not getting passing grades. I did not complete my last 3 weeks of freshman year. Some people heard I was sick (physical, not mental) others heard I was on vacation. I continued going to group for 2 years after that.
Sophomore year I dyed my hair black and started wearing heavy eyeliner. I hardly talked to anyone... I was then labeled the gothic freak. I was still cutting, my anorexia was still taking over, but I was good at hiding it. I continued going to group and had to drop out of my last class which was PE because I was missing too much of it having to go to group 2 times a week.
Junior year nothing significant happened. Still cut, still anorexic.
I will end here now, and start into senior year in my next post.
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